Food Safety
Environmental Health Officers work cooperatively with food businesses, enforcing the correct handling, preparation and storage of food to prevent food related illness within the community. If you wish to start a food business or have any concerns relating to a food business, please contact the Shire’s Environmental Health Services on 9949 3000.
Quick Links and Guidelines
Starting a Food Business
All food businesses under the Food Act 2008 must notify the Shire of their activities prior to operating. Before you start your new venture, it is important to check to see if you need Planning approval first, please contact Planning Services on 9949 3000 for confirmation.
Prior to starting your food business please make an initial contact with Environmental Health Services who can discuss your plans and the application process with you. An application for Food Registration will need to be submitted with floor plans and a proposed menu. Once received an Environmental Health Officer will risk assessing your application which will then determine the inspection frequency of the business.
Once your food business set-up is completed, a final inspection will be conducted, if all aspects are satisfactory you will receive a certificate of food business and your new food venture will be approved to start.
Food Business Registration Application
Temporary Food Stalls
A temporary food stall can be a registered food business, not for profit fundraising stall or seasonal food stall. There are 2 types of temporary food stalls, those that operate for less than 2 days or those that operate for more than 2 days but less than 6 months. All temporary food stalls need to submit a Notification for Food Stalls and Temporary Food Business Application. Temporary Food Stall Application
A not for profit group who cook food for immediate consumption are considered exempt under the Food Act 2008, you will still need to submit the above form but there will be no fee associated with your stall. Temporary Food Stall Application - Exempt
See our guidelines for temporary food businesses: Temporary Food Business Guidelines
Food Safety Management Tools
Under Food Standard 3.2.2A both class 1 and 2 businesses require a food safety supervisor. For information on the standard and classification of your business see here
Food Safety Supervisor training resources can be found at the Department of Health website. Class 1 business will need to be provide records of training with their application and keep records onsite for all relevant staff training.
Food handler training course is also available at: Home - DoFoodSafely (
I'm Alert 
I’m alert is an interactive food safety program that has been designed for food handlers to increase knowledge of safe food preparation techniques as well as knowledge of food poisoning and the spread of bacteria. This is provided free of charge by the Shire of Exmouth to any person who wishes to take part and encourages all food handlers to participate in the training.
The program is licensed through Environmental Health Australia (EHA). Please click on the below links for further information and to complete the online training.
Click here for PDF Version of Flyer
Start the Online Training Now!
Food Safe
Food safe is another comprehensive training tool also available from EHA. The Shire has patterned with EHA to deliver this course free of charge to local food businesses, to access the course for free follow the below directions.
Food Safe Online course is available by clicking here.
On the payment details page, use the unique discount voucher “FSEXMOU343” and it will apply the $35 discount.
Businesses will need to complete the transaction and follow the downloadable instructions to register and start the course. A printable certificate is available for businesses once they have successfully completed the course.
For more information about FoodSafe, FoodSafe Plus and FoodSafe Online visit the FoodSafe Website.
Food Applications - Quick Links
Food Business Registration Application
Temporary Food Stall Application
Temporary Food Stall Application - Exempt