Draft Strategic Community Plan 2023 - 2033

Published on Wednesday, 16 November 2022 at 8:00:00 AM

Notice is given that the Shire of Exmouth is seeking public comment for the major review of the Shire of Exmouth Strategic Community Plan 2023 - 2033 and Corporate Business Plan.

A copy of the document is available via the Shire website www.exmouth.wa.gov.au or by requesting a copy from the Shire of Exmouth by calling (08) 9949 3000 between 8.30 am – 4.30 pm Monday to Friday.

The reviewed Strategic Community Plan 2023 – 2033 is available for viewing at:

  • Exmouth Public Library
  • Shire Offices
  • Download

The Plan will be available for viewing from Wednesday 16 November 2022 Submissions may be made to the Chief Executive Officer by Wednesday, 30 November 2022 2 PM.
Comments can either be emailed to info@exmouth.wa.gov.au, delivered to the Shire Offices or at the Online Presentation of the draft document on 22 November 2022.

After this public comment period, the Draft Strategic Community Plan and Corporate Business Plan (with any recommendations for amendment) will be presented to the Council for the Shire of Exmouth for formal adoption.

Ben Lewis
Chief Executive Officer