Online Form - Public Question Time

To foster public engagement during Council meetings, the Shire of Exmouth includes a designated Public Question Time in the Council Agenda. This time allows members of the public to ask questions regarding local government matters or specific agenda topics.


  • Members of the public are most welcome at Council meetings.
  • The presiding member will ensure a fair and balanced process to ask questions.
    Each attendee will have the opportunity to ask two (2) questions, with an explanation not exceeding five (5) minutes in duration.
  • Questions are to be directed to the Presiding Member and shall be asked politely, in good faith, and are not to be framed in such a way as to reflect adversely or be defamatory on a particular Elected Member or Shire employees.
  • The presiding member will address and answer all written questions before opening the floor for public questions from the gallery.
  • While the presiding member will endeavour to answer all public questions from the floor, questions may be taken on notice by the Council or Committee for later response.
  • When a question is taken on notice, the Chief Executive Officer will respond in writing to the member of the public. A summary of the question raised and the response will be included in the Agenda and Minutes of the next meeting of the Council or Committee, as the case requires.
  • Council is not required to:
    • answer a question that does not relate to a matter affecting the Local Government; or
    • answer a question at a special Council meeting that does not relate to the purpose of the meeting.
    • If a question is raised at a meeting without prior written notice, it is less likely to be answered at the time of the meeting.

    It is recommended that you submit your questions no later than two (2) days prior to the scheduled commencement of a meeting, but preferably during the month preceding the Council meeting. 


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