Online Form - Draft Strategic Community Plan - Public Comment

The Shire of Exmouth is committed to engaging with its community and considering their input when making decisions about the future. For the Major Review in 2022, we engaged on various levels with community members of all ages, stakeholders and agencies involved in shaping our town's future.

With surveys, face-to-face workshops, Big Idea submissions and an online presentation of the draft strategic plan as part of our engagement, we created the Draft Strategic Community Plan for Exmouth.

Your Choice. Our Future is available for public comment until Wednesday, 30 November at 2 PM.

Comments can either be emailed to, delivered to the Shire Offices or the form below.

What is your overall impression of the strategic direction?*
Do you have any specific comments on the overall strategic direction?
What is your overall impression of the social pillar?*
Do you have any specific comments on the social pillar?
What is your overall impression of the natural environment pillar?*
Do you have any specific comments on the natural environment pillar?
What is your overall impression of the built environment pillar?*
Do you have any specific comments on the built environment pillar?
What is your overall impression of the economy pillar?*
Do you have any specific comments on the economy pillar?
What is your overall impression of the governance & leadership pillar?*
Do you have any specific comments on the governance & leadership pillar?