Tuesday 23 July 2020 - 11.00 AM
Disclaimer - The State Government has declared a Public Health Emergency, Human Biosecurity Emergency and a State of Emergency for Western Australia. This information is considered valid as at the date of publication (shown above). Updates will be provided only as, and when, relevant information becomes available.
COVID-19 | Local Assistance
While it is important that we keep a healthy distance between us during this unprecedented challenge, we want to help empower our community and ensure no one goes through this alone. Being a small Shire with limited resources we're focussing on enabling our highly engaged community and provide assistance when needed; you can find all up-to-date support services and relevant contact information.
If you need any further assistance contact us, and we will try to find an individual solution together with you and responsible authorities or volunteer groups.
Local services and contact information
Other support services and contact information
Download the fully updated contact list as a PDF-file here.