Four Stages of Cyclone Alert

In the event of an on-coming cyclone the following alerts may be issued.

Stage Blue

When a BLUE ALERT has been issued, you need to start preparing

  • Keep up to date with the development of the cyclone through radio, television or internet.
  • Find out when shops and businesses will close, and when to collect your children from school.
  • Secure or remove loose material and rubbish from around your home or work.
  • Organise your emergency kit including first aid kit, essential medications, torch, portable radio, spare batteries, food and water.
  • Consider relocating people with special needs including people who are pregnant, elderly or have disabilities.
  • Identify the strongest part of your house or the closest welfare centre.
  • Identify a safe place for your pet (most welfare centres do not accept pets, but do accept guide dogs).
  • Ensure you have adequate tie down materials or anchor points for loose items.
  • Organise a gas barbeque or portable stove to use outside in a dry, ventilated area, in case electricity is cut.
  • Remind your family of cyclone procedures.


Stage Yellow

When a YELLOW ALERT has been issued, you need to take action

  • Monitor radio, television or internet for information on the cyclone’s progress, particularly any storm surge advice.
  • Know where your family and pets are located. Consider sheltering pets early.
  • Secure boats, caravans, trailers, garden sheds, rainwater tanks and LPG bottles to tie down points.
  • Store or secure other loose items like outdoor furniture that is likely to be thrown about by destructive winds.
  • Be aware that shops will now be closing.
  • Obtain cash as banking services may not be available.
  • Put fuel in your vehicle and park it in a sheltered area with the handbrake on and in
    park or first gear.
  • Ensure your emergency kit is complete and fill emergency containers with water.
  • Make sure your neighbours have received this warning. If you are ready and they need help, give them a hand.
  • Fasten all cyclone screens. Board up or heavily tape exposed windows. Close curtains and lock doors.
  • Pack a relocation kit, including warm clothes. Place valuables, important papers and photos in waterproof bags to be taken with your emergency kit.
  • Prepare to move quickly to the strongest part of your house or relocate to the nearest welfare centre if required.
  • If you live in a low-lying coastal area and the cyclone is likely to create a storm surge, you may be advised to relocate now. Refer to your family cyclone plan.

Stage Red

When a RED ALERT has been issued, you need to take shelter immediately

  • Keep listening to your portable radio for information on the cyclone’s progress.
  • Disconnect electrical appliances and turn off gas supply valves.
  • Ensure that pets and animals are safely sheltered.
  • Go immediately to the strongest, safest part of your house or the building you are in (i.e. internal hallway, bathroom or toilet) or to the closest welfare centre.
  • Keep your emergency kit with you.
  • Take your relocation kit with you if you have been advised to relocate.
  • Stay away from doors and windows, and keep them closed and locked.
  • Stay inside until the ALL CLEAR is given by authorities.


All Clear

When an official ALL CLEAR notice is issued, you need to take care to avoid dangers caused by damage

  • Listen for information and follow advice from authorities.
  • If you need to go outside, be careful because power lines could be down and there may be fallen trees, broken water and sewage lines, loose roof sheeting and other material.
  • Check to see if your neighbours are safe.
  • Check whereabouts of pets and animals.
  • If your property has sustained serious damage and you need help, call the SES on 132 500 for assistance.
  • For life threatening emergencies, call 000.
  • Avoid telephone use except in emergencies.
  • Start cleaning up around your home – stack loose material clear of water meters, valves and telephone lines.
  • If you relocated from your home, wait for advice before you go back. If returning, take the roads recommended by authorities and do not hurry.
SCHOOL TEACHERS: Explain this information to children and ask them to explain it to their parents, particularly where the parents may not read or understand English.